The Dream Eaters

Performance: 6:00 PM, King Killer North

Songs entrancingly euphoric and achingly sad, evoking dreams

Jake Zavracky, guitar, vocals; Elizabeth LeBaron, vocals, percussion

The Dream Eaters blend the ethereal vocals of Boston native Jake Zavracky and Calgary-born Elizabeth LeBaron in intertwining streams of haunting melodies. The duo released their debut EP “Five Little Pills” in May 2016. A bare- bones production that they self-recorded and released, it was a precursor to the sound that was further realized on their full-length debut album, 2017’s We Are A Curse. After touring the Eastern US and Canada in 2017 and 2018, the duo released their second full length album, Pagan Love, in October 2018. The album features a poppier, hook-ier, version of the sound they established on their debut. From LeBaron’s haunting and engrossing vocals to Zavracky’s captivating instrumentation, The Dream Eaters weave songs that are at once entrancingly euphoric and achingly sad, evoking dreams where we either endlessly struggle to reach our destination or wait for our free fall to end. The Dream Eaters are frequent collaborators with King Killer, having performed on the King Killer Stage numerous times, as well as entrusted their video duties to King Killer’s showrunner – and host of this event – Dave Bunting.


Youtube video (Pagan Love)
