Mbira NYC

Performance: 3:00 PM, Zion Episcopal Church

Mbira music of Zimbabwe

Nora Balaban, mbira, hosho, vocals; Jim Pugliese, mbira, hosho, vocals; Bill Ruyle, mbira, hosho, vocals

Shona mbira music from Zimbabwe is one of the most soulful sounds on the African continent. Mbira (the name of both the instrument and the music) is spiritual music which has been played for over a thousand years by the Shona people, of Zimbabwe. Mbira pervades all aspects of Shona culture, both sacred and secular. Its most important function is as a “telephone to the spirits”, used to contact both deceased ancestors and tribal guardians, in all-night ceremonies. Originally used in spirit possession ceremonies, the iron-pronged mbira (thumb piano), produces music which is rhythmically charged enough to keep people dancing through all-night ceremonies. The Shona believe the beauty of the music attracts the ancestors’ spirits.

MbiraNYC is a collective dedicated to the sharing, performing, and teaching of mbira music of Zimbabwe. They are committed to building awareness and appreciation of the music through concerts, workshops and cultural events. MbiraNYC plays traditional songs that have been handed down through scores of generations as given to them by master mbira musicians. They sponsor visiting Zimbabwean musicians to perform and teach traditional music. On-going weekly mbira classes are held in the New York & Westchester area, taught by Nora Balaban.


Performance at International Pharmacy (YouTube video)

MbiraNYC Duo (YouTube video)
