Company Dumps

Performance: 7:00 PM, King Killer North

Dave Bunting, Grandmother, Filters, Breaks & Stutters; Ian Elkind, Drum Machines, Tape Stops, Pedals; Chris Hopkins, Junos, AX60, CZ1000

Anything goes when you gotta hand in tapes for the man. This brand new & slightly-askew Brooklyn collective — featuring King Killer’s owner Dave Bunting (Licious & Palmero), head engineer and Brooklyn native Ian Elkind (New Atlantic Youth), and SysExpert Chris Hopkins (Bro Montana) — features lush analog dance and break beats and classic analog synthesis twisted through medusa-esque tape cassette portastudios, guitar pedals, cheap compressors and questionable MIDI setups. All of this analog chaos leads to some hyper-strange yet surprisingly danceable grooves that slowly evolve with the various filters, arpeggios, sequencers…and technological issues. Don’t be fooled by the Lo-Fi setup; Co. D. can still bring Hi-Fi funk and synth-y space jams like the best of them, all through an aural lens that only OpAmp distortion and half-broken machines can provide.
