Hudson Valley Sally

Performance: 2:00 PM, Upstream Gallery

Singing the message of Pete Seeger. Clean air. Clean water. Justice for ALL.

Terry Colliton, John Fisher, Laurie Siegel and David Tarlo. Instruments: banjo, guitar, bass, bodhran, ukelele, mountain dulcimer, mandolin

Acclaim for Hudson Valley:

“After hearing Hudson Valley Sally do a set I thought, right now the Weavers are looking down and smiling and saying ‘yeah, that’s how it’s done!’ These guys are carrying on that legacy, and beautifully.”
— Jeff Rantzer, Folk Project musician and emcee

“Hudson Valley Sally is a delightful group of activist musicians who will have you smiling and clapping. Most of all, they’ll have you thinking about the content of their songs. They have something relevant to say!”
— Sonny Ochs

“Hudson Valley Sally sings with a freshness and innocence that reminds us why we fell in love with folk music in the first place.”
— Si Kahn

“They light up the stage with a joyous energy. They breathe new life into old songs and make them sound brand new. Their roots are deep and their eyes are on the prize. They remind me of what a song can do and make me want to keep singing through good times & bad.” 
— Charlie King

“Four amazing musicians who come together and sing like a single organism – the sound is magical.”
— Bernardo Palombo, Artistic Director of El Taller Latino Americano

“Hudson Valley Sally sings Spanish Civil War songs, topical songs, political songs all to great accompaniment and arrangements. Invite them to your event — they are great musicians and friends!”
–Georgia Wever, Friends and Family of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade


We Need Each Other Now (YouTube video)

Song About A Miner (YouTube video)
